
There have been talk about legalizing divorce in the Philippines for quiet a long time already. I must say that it's pretty alarming and annoying already. Filipinos are known for being religious, although being religious is different from being godly, thankfully we can use this word to refer every action we make with what God permits or not. We live in a country where religion and state is often into conflicts in whatever issues every now and then, but basically when religion has its say, government official has to stop and listen, whether we accept this or not, mostly, the "spiritual" side wins. CBCP is truly against this, and once again this is another fight between religious sector and the government sector after RH Bill.

Talking about the effects of Divorce..we can't deny the fact that this will affect the children and when I say effects on them, I say long term. There might be no negative effects that we visibly see with the kids but on the long run, this will show. Whether you accept this or not (if you are in favor of divorce) the only thing divorce is advantageous is only for the husband and wife. To think of it, getting divorce is something that displays the couple involved are weak. Weak in the sense that they lack the ability to overcome problem in order to save their marriage and most importantly weak to temptation.

When I decided to post "Are you in favor of DIVORCE IN THE PHILIPPINES" as my facebook status, originally I wanted to know how many would eventually favor or would not in favor of divorce or how others would react with it. I'll be honest, I was once in favor of divorce.

Being married for 10 years is not easy for both my husband and I. We have our share of  ups and many many many downs (hehe, funny but true), but that was before, when we didn't recognized the importance of the two way method; I talk you listen and you talk I will listen.. . In marriage, though united as one, but husband and wife are two different individual, constantly changing. It's a lifelong process of continuous change and constant adjustment. This stuff existed already even before marriage, that is why it is important to get to know your future partner first before tying the knot.

However, despite all the reasons above why I am not in favor of divorce lies the deeper reason. I found a deep relationship with God and I don't intend of breaking that tie. God clearly teaches that divorce is not permitted in whatever reason you have to seek for it.

Mark 10:1-12 (New English Version Bible)

" Then Jesus Left that place, went to the province of Judea, and crossed the Jordan River. Crowds came flocking to him again, and he taught them, as he always did. Some Pharisees came to him and tried to trap him. " Tell us," they asked, " does our Law allow a man to divorce his wife?" Jesus answered with a question, "What law did Moses give you?" Their answer was, "Moses gave permission for a man to write a divorce notice and send his wife away." Jesus said to them," Moses wrote this law for you because you are so hard to teach. But in the beginning, at the time of creation, 'God made them male and female,' as the scripture says. 'And for this reason a man will leave his father and mother and unite with his wife, and the two will become one. So they are no longer two, but one. No human being must separate, then, what God has joined together."
When they went back into the house, the disciples asked Jesus about this matter. He said to them, " A man who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against his wife. In the same way, a woman who divorces her husband and marries another man commits adultery."

The bible verses says it all.. committing adultery is against God's law. Even before our time God already teaches about divorce, and clearly says that it is not right. When the Pharisees are trying to trap Jesus by asking about the divorce it is plain to see that it is Satan's way to trap Jesus, so if you want to be trap by Satan then you will surely find yourself enjoying divorce for all we care. The question of who you will choose between God and Satan will reflect your choice. There are many ways in which Satan does inorder for humans to be away from God, one of them is Divorce. Since God does not allow adultery, he design Divorce because he knows that by nature humans are carnal. What is the reason for the married couple to seek divorce? It is to permanently break the tie of the marriage and allow each to remarry, right?

I strongly believe that divorce is not a way to find your new happiness, much to say, your shallow happiness, your earthly happiness. You are trapped in the devil's plan. Find God in your heart and he will surely lead you and your partner to the right path, when you seek God's help that is the only time you can sit down and talk and iron things out, you know why? Because God's spirit is working on you. He will never forsake anyone who comes to him because that is what he promise. Praying to God does alot of miracle. Instead of trying your best to understand another complex human being, why not understanding God  first more than anything else and everything will follow. Let him do the work and I know that he will not break anything that he has joined together in love. There is a reason why God coupled you with your wife or husband, let God guide you to know that reason and don't let human nature win you over.

For people who are still single, think first, it's not easy to come across this kind of problem one day, pray that God will lead you to the right one. If you are in a relationship, pray that God will guide you always. And for married people, let God be the center of everything and you will surely overcome temptations and problems.

If you believe the importance of God read the verses personally because there's likely that you are in doubt (especially if you are not a born-again christian like me) because others believe that we have a different bible from yours , hehe I really find this stuff amusing. And I would like to say, there are more things to discover when you read the bible not just about divorce. Please don't be lazy and start your journey of knowing my God through the bible, your bible ( I really have to say this, hehe) should I say...It's your duty to know him by reading and not just by listening. Join me in my advocacy to read the bible as part of a habit. :)

Let God lead your way...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tumpak kau pagkasulat ni misis benson so kamong wala pa naminyo pag isip isip jud ug maayo aron walay divorce mahitabo..hehehe..