I turned 30 today and decided to do something that would commemorate my day. I decided to create a blog where I could express my heart out. This will be my first entry and please forgive me if I mess up this time.
I woke up feeling gloomy this morning.. that's the truth =( .. and I
feel so heavy inside. I've been like this for a week already and I just can't help it. I started my usual everyday routine. Do the household chores, feed the kids, prepare myself, and then finally sit down and do my online job. When I was checking my emails I noticed there were 60+ notifications, all comes from my favorite social networking site that I've been so active for a year already. Everyone is wishing me a happy birthday.
I felt so touched that everyone took the time to greet me this day, some even left private messages and special gifts (videos, wishes, and prayers) for me. Few even took the time to greet me even through private messages. Right this very moment while I'm typing this message, I could still see few friends who took the effort of greeting me before this day ends.
This day, I've come to realize how great it is to turn 30. When you got the chance to see how many friends you have meet along the way. Others may have left me along, but certainly, I've come to meet people who have stayed with me, walked with me, and few, met me again along the way.
Funny how we couldn't turn back time. I for instance, is crazy thinking about turning 30 and always says I'm just 20 something.. *sigh*..today I even messed up thinking it's already 2012, is this the sign of aging? lol! Age spots are slowly appearing..little by little..goodness, does anyone knows a good remedy for this? Please tell me because I'm totally freaking out! Help! And something is worrying me too..that the next time I face the mirror, its not my age spot that I'll be checking but my hairs!!Oh no!!
Before all the crazy stuff starts to make way in my head, allow me to thank everyone..Thanks for all the people who made this day a very special one for me. For my husband who for the first time took the effort to buy me a cake and flowers and for all those few special friends who showed how much they love me, for those who took the time to leave birthday greetings, and for my relatives who greeted me, bunch of kisses to all of you..God bless us all!
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